The Business Office in the UCI School of Social Sciences is home to the school’s contracts
and grants, disbursements, and purchasing offices. The office manages grant activity,
faculty accounts and miscellaneous awards; payments and reimbursements for travel,
entertainment and honoraria; and direct payments to vendors for supplies, materials,
equipment and services. The Business Office tracks and manages the school’s multimillion
dollar operating budget and administers more than $6 million in faculty and student-received
grant funding each year.
Click below for additional resources - forms, guidelines, processes - relating to
each office.


Social sciences welcomes five UC President's and Chancellor's Postdocs for 2024-21
August 3, 2024
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Lessons from Portland: Do crackdowns work?
August 2, 2024
David Meyer, sociology, Deseret News, Aug. 2, 2024